Identification, Distribution and List of Different Zooplankton Species in the Anzali Wetland and coasts of the Caspian sea

Document Type : Article


1Inland Waters Aquaculture Research center, Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute (IFSRI).


This study was carried out in 27 study stations in Shijan, Siakishim, Abkenar, Hendekhaleh and Rogaha(River outlets), during implementation of hydrological and hydrobiological study plans and preparing Atlas of plankton in the Anzali wetland during the years 1373(1994) from 1393(2014). Zooplankton samples were collected by P.V.C tube on every month, at each station 30 litre water sampels were filtered by 30µ zooplankton net. The samples were fixed with 4% formalin and After identification, they were photographed with Nikon photomicroscope. The results of Zooplankton study reveal that there are totally 12 Phylum that include and 217 speices in Anzali lagoon , of which 22 speices belong to phylum Rhizopoda, 4 speices belong to Phylum Actinopoda, 41 speices belong to Phylum Ciliophora , one speice belong to Phylum Porifera, 3 speices belong to Phylum Coelantrata, 2 speices belong to Annelida , 2 speices belong to Phylum Platyhelminthes, 93 speices belong to Phylum Rotatoria, 1 specie belongs to Phylum Tardigrada , 32 species belong to Phylum Arthropoda (order Cladocera) 11 Speices belong to Class Copepoda , in Class Cirripedia and Ostracoda and Diptera (Family Chironomidae) each of them consisting of one genus , 2 speices belong to Class Archnida and in phylum Mullosca Class Bivalvia, Lamellibranch larvae was identified . It is evident from the present study that Rotifera was dominant species with Brachionus calyciflorus, Brachionus angularis , Keratella cochlearis , Polyarthera vulgaris in southern Hendekhaleh and Abkenar regions and the main outlets regions.


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