Investigating the changes in the population of Chlorophyta microalgae in the Oncorhynchus mykiss farming site in the cage in the Southern Caspian Sea

Document Type : Article


Ecological Research Institute of the Caspian Sea


In this study, a total of 4 Chlorophyta microalgae sampling periods were conducted at depth and depth. Chlorophyta microalgae sampling performed using Rotner breeding time, mid-breeding time and end of breeding time and one year after breeding time, from north, east, south and west of the cage. Samples were taken from fish shade (N0), 200 m from cage (N100-200) and 1000 m from cage (N1000). It is noteworthy that (N100-200) was at a distance of 100 m from the cage at the beginning of cultivation to 200m. Sampling from each station was done from three depth of surface, middle layer and depth. In total, in all four sampling periods, 11 species of Chlorophyta microalgae microalgae observed. Also, the percentage of Chlorophyta microalgae density was different and 200 meter distance from the cage had the highest percentage of 200 m distance from the cage had the highest percentage of Chlorophyta microalgae density density. It can be said that time variations such as effects on air temperature, river inflow, cage fish waste and consequently increased nutrients, water currents, and consequently salinity changes in river inflow and salinity can have significant effects. Involved in changing the population of Chlorophyta microalgae around the cage.
