Technical concepts and terms used in the shrimp farming industry and its application in aquaculture

Document Type : Article


1 Pesian Gulf & Oman sea Ecological research institute /Iranian fisheries research institute /Agriculture research,Educa tion & Extension organization/bandarabbas/Iran, Post Box 1597-79145

2 Iranian fisheries research institute


4 Pesian Gulf & Oman sea Ecological research institute /Iranian fisheries research institute /Agriculture Research,Education & Extension organization(AREO)/bandarabbas/Iran

5 Head of Biotechnology Dep. Persian Gulf and Oman Sea Ecological Research Institute

6 Persian Gulf mollusks Research Station,Pesian Gulf & Oman sea Ecological research institute /Iranian fisheries research institute /Agriculture Research,Education & Extension organization(AREO)/bandarabbas/Iran


Shrimp farming is a young and dynamic business with a history of rapid change in response to technological advances. The first advances in shrimp farming technology occurred in Japan in the late 1930s. Due to the unfavorable climate and species of Japan for commercial production, the technology was transferred to other countries in Asia and the United States in the 1970s. The increasing prevalence of the disease in wild populations led to the introduction of the pathogen-free Shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei (SPF) produced by the US Marine Shrimp Consortium to Asia and its replacement by fast-growing, native species. Transplantation without screening, without adequate testing and testing, led to the spread of WSSV in Asia from the Americas to the point where breeders often looked healthy but were present at low levels of the disease and remained undetected. Thus, as the disease progresses, terms such as specific pathogen-free generators (SPF), specific pathogen-resistant generators (SPR), pathogen-free generators (PF), specific pathogen-tolerant generators (SPT), high-health generators (HH) and other terms It was created for the production of reliable breeders and overseas transmissions, and now the OIE annually updates the list of these diseases and terms, and the manufacturing companies are obliged to comply with it.


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